Continous Replication - smart selection by source SR?
Hi everyone!
I wonder if it is possible to create a backup job in xoa, that uses the great Continous Replication and automatically (smart) selects all VMs hosted on a specifix SR to be replicated to another specific target SR.
That way, a perfect desaster recovery could be easily managed.
Getting/using a similar storage will be a common task for everyone managing a cloud infrastructure. I assume it should be quite easy to code, as you already offer the smart selection by power-state, tags etc.
I know it is possible to have VDIs on different SRs, but you have always exceptionsNevertheless, selecting VMs by SR should be an great thing for CR in my view.
Is it possible, that you will offer this in the future? Is it already possible, and I just missed some feature?
Many thanks in advance!
Jimmy -
I think it's possible, but why not using tags?
Should we backup VMs with at least one disk in that SR even if VM got disk in others?
@olivierlambert You are absolutely right: tags are enough. My fault. We will code some cronjobs that find the current SR, set the right tag and that's it. If the cronjob runs before the CR job is running, we should be fine.
If you will implement the other idea: I guess (as you can specify only one backup target atm) an option to choose: 'store all vdis in target SR' or 'store only vdis from source SR in target SR' would be great, but if less work should be done: just store all vdis in the target SR - no matter where the source vdis are laying aroundAnyway: great work! Keep on!