creating trunked connections through physical interfaces.
I am trying to work out how I do trunked connections through physical interfaces. I have created two networks on a pool with different VLAN IDs and associated them with the same phsyical bonded interface. I can ping VMs on the same physical machine but cannot ping VMs on another machine in the pool. If I use a network with no VLAN ID, I can ping through the network interface.
Is this where I should use a mesh? I am trying to seggregate network traffic associated with external internet connections from the inter machine network traffic between different VMs in the pool -
Network question: invoking @fohdeesha
@garrya Hi, it sounds like you've set up VLAN interfaces correctly on the XCP-ng side, but the switch they are connected to also needs to be aware of VLAN tags to pass them, or else it will only pass untagged traffic as you noticed. You'll need a smart/managed switch with VLAN capability to do so