Zen Orchestra lite
Is there any place where we can get more details about Xen Orchestra lite? Release date ? Will it support backups ? Etc…
( currently running XO Community edition on a docker container and it works fine for my small home lab… I know , i know it’s not “officially” supported but zero issues so far and it’s easy to keep it to date)
It will be Xen Orchestra Lite, XO Lite in short. Not with a "Z"
The goal is to provide a very basic UI to do the mgmt task on a local pool (no multi-pool support). Everything will run directly in the browser (no daemon) so it means no saved context, no backup nor advanced things. It won't be meant for anything except basic administration tasks/console access and so on. This will NEVER be a replacement for XO regarding advanced features.
It will be more like XCP-ng Center but in your browser.
A first version will be out this summer.
@olivierlambert thanks. The zen part was typo
phone autocorrect. As long as XO CE continues to be a th9ng it’s fine by me.
Oh..btw, don’t know if this was already suggested or not but would interesting to have some sort of disk health info in XO. To be honest it’s the only thing I miss from proxmox. -
Physical disk health you mean?
@olivierlambert yes
like smart info, disk wear etc…
This is not exposed in XAPI, so it might require to write a XAPI plugin.