xo-cli can not register
Hey, folks i have some problem with xo-cli register:
xo-cli --register https://xo.local admin Password: ************************* ā { "target": { "_events": {}, "_eventsCount": 0, "readyState": 3, "protocol": "", "_binaryType": "nodebuffer", "_closeFrameReceived": false, "_closeFrameSent": false, "_closeMessage": "", "_closeTimer": null, "_closeCode": 1006, "_extensions": {}, "_receiver": null, "_sender": null, "_socket": null, "_isServer": false, "_redirects": 0, "url": "wss://xo.local/api/", "_req": null }, "type": "error", "message": "unable to verify the first certificate", "error": { "code": "UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE" } }
Maybe someone knows how to fix it?
P.s. i added xo.local server crt certificate, but it did not help...
P.p.s. xo-cli v0.11.1 -
Try in HTTP first.
@olivierlambert same problem.
Using the IP address and not the domain name? "It's always a DNS issue".
xo-cli --register http://x.x.x.x admin Password: ************************* ā { "target": { "_events": {}, "_eventsCount": 0, "readyState": 3, "protocol": "", "_binaryType": "nodebuffer", "_closeFrameReceived": false, "_closeFrameSent": false, "_closeMessage": "", "_closeTimer": null, "_closeCode": 1006, "_extensions": {}, "_receiver": null, "_sender": null, "_socket": null, "_isServer": false, "_redirects": 0, "url": "ws://x.x.x.x/api/", "_req": null }, "type": "error", "message": "connect ECONNREFUSED x.x.x.x:80", "error": { "errno": "ECONNREFUSED", "code": "ECONNREFUSED", "syscall": "connect", "address": "x.x.x.x", "port": 80 } }
Sorry, but not working...
Are your
is listening on port 80 or not? -
hey, is listening only on 443port.
i think problem is with certificates.... -
Please configure XO to also listen in plain HTTP to see if that work.
yes, http is working for me... -
Okay so it's indeed a certificate issue on your side. Double check your certs. Sometimes, you need to have a cert file with the intermediate authority.