Can I restore a VDI selected from VM's delta backup?
Hello everyone.
The last week, i needed restore a one vdi from delta backups. This VM has a three vdis.
I restored a full VM for recovered a particular vdi.
I don't know if possible restore one vdi from VM's delta backup from XOA's restore GUI or command line.
If don't possible, I leave how suggestion for improvement.
No, right now it's only possible to restore either the whole VM, or files inside one disk. Not a disk itself.
I think there's already an issue opened on that, please take time to search on XO Github. If you really can't find it, create it
@olivierlambert thanks.
When I typed "I leave how suggestion for improvement.", I wanted say "suggestion for nexts releases".
I 'm not a programmer, I'm sorry. I can only say my experiences of use.
My English is very poor. I don't want to sound offensive. I'm sorry.
I meant to create the issue on Github, not the feature
(even if it's welcome)