Backups not starting after failed NFS mount
The NFS mount to which we're writing our backups had some issues on Saturday and subsequently the backups did not finish. It was stuck in a "started" state but there was no processes running on the hypervisors themselves (no exports or anything). I then opted to restart XO which returned the backups status as being "interrupted" (as expected)
The backups have however started again this morning as per schedule, but the backup log is empty and there is no VM's apparent being backed up, it's as if the backup service is started but nothing beyond that. Copying the logs for the backup shows the following:
{ "data": { "mode": "delta", "reportWhen": "always" }, "id": "1655863200018", "jobId": "14be2c28-16e8-41c1-a47a-afc53347f58c", "jobName": "Daily Backups", "message": "backup", "scheduleId": "210bc795-46ff-4815-b62f-7e948991c7ac", "start": 1655863200018, "status": "pending" }
It's been the same status for the past 6 hours so I dont think it will start backing up the VM's. Any advice? Worth noting that I simply restarted XO in command line using XO restart, should I restart the entire VM perhaps?
Have you tested the remove in XO? Does it work?
@olivierlambert you're a grandmaster, never even considered that
It seems to be stuck but likely firewall will have a look thank you
haha that's exactly the purpose of the remote test button
No grand mastery, just experience