too many tasks
Have you refresh the UI to be sure it's not a sync issue?
control+shift+R on that page and they all come back.
I even tried to kill them from the cli on any given xen server, and they don't seem to go away.
xe task-cancel force=true uuid= -
They restart the toolstack on the master
I thought I did that.
Oh I see whats happening. My cold moves are freaking out.
The first time, I restarted the toolstack for the server I was working on the # of tasks dropped by 50% or so. as soon as I tried my cold move of a VM again, im up to 50-60 tasks again. Going from Xen 7.1 to XCP 7.6. and a Xeon 2630 V3 to a 2620 V0. Which I know is a bad idea, hence the cold move.