The vgpu emulator/rpm thats needed to use Nvidia's vgpu software became closed source after 7.4 but you can still get it from the xenserver ISOs and i would like to know if its non closed source versions are free to use, the license seems to point in the direction that it's free to be used but i would like to get more clarification.
We don't have the answer for this. Citrix might have the answer.
I tried using the 7.4 package on 8.2 xcp but for some reason it doesn't work, when i tried to install it it gave me the following errors: is needed by vgpu-7.3.0-1.x86_64 vgpu < 7.3.3 is obsoleted by (installed) xcp-ng-deps-8.2.0-12.noarch
Which is weird because the is actually a higher version on 8.2 so why would it need the older one and i have no idea what it means by "7.3.3 is obsoleted by (installed) xcp-ng-deps-8.2.0-12.noarch"
You can check my investigations of this question here
@splastunov Thats where i found about the package and from what i've found the license in the open source version 7.3.0 and the current closed source 7.4.8 are literally identical which probably means the closed source one is free to be used without any licensing from Citrix.
@Huursa open source doesn't equal free. You must read the Citrix license for 7.3 Xenserver. If it allows the use of packages, then no problem. But as far as I know (remember), the license for the free version of Xenserver does not allow commercial use.
@splastunov By 7.3.0 i meant the package version and that version was also in xcp-ng 7.4 so if the package was there and its license hasn't changed since i would assume it means its still free to use.