Netbox plugin: VMs Tags and Platform not populated
XO Version: 5.78.0
XO Netbox Plugin Version: v0.3.5
Netbox Version: 3.4.3XO is successfully pushing the inventory to Netbox, however, it doesn't pass the tags and the platform type of the VM. All VMs from the pool have the tools installed too.
Is this expected to work out of the box or we'd have to do something else to make it work like different custom fields ?
Hristo -
Adding @pdonias in the loop
I just saw there's a new XO update. It's deployed now, so to confirm again,
XO Version: 5.79.0
XO Netbox Plugin Version: 0.3.6Worth mentioning that we're using XO Premium, as I saw there was a netbox premium update too.
I just ran sync again from the pool's advanced settings, but still no platform or tags information on Netbox.
For XOA, it's better to open a support ticket than using the community forum, you'll have an answer faster
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This post is deleted! -
I should have done that. However, I thought might be useful to open it here in case anyone else is seeing this.
If it's a problem or a missing feature, it will be announced in the next changelog for everyone