Terraform Error jsonrpc2: code 10 message
Error Message:
│ Error: jsonrpc2: code 10 message: invalid parameters: {"errors":[{"instancePath":"/affinityHost","schemaPath":"#/properties/affinityHost/minLength","keyword":"minLength","params":{"limit":1},"message":"must NOT have fewer than 1 characters"}]} │ │ with xenorchestra_vm.fun, │ on fun.tf line 9, in resource "xenorchestra_vm" "fun": │ 9: resource "xenorchestra_vm" "fun" {
resource "xenorchestra_cloud_config" "cloud_config" { name = "cloud_config" # Template the cloudinit if needed template = templatefile("cloud_config.tftpl", { hostname = "fun" }) } resource "xenorchestra_vm" "fun" { memory_max = 2147483648 cpus = 2 name_label = "fun" name_description = "fun" cloud_config = xenorchestra_cloud_config.cloud_config.template template = data.xenorchestra_template.vm_template.id wait_for_ip = true auto_poweron = true network { network_id = data.xenorchestra_network.net.id } disk { sr_id = data.xenorchestra_sr.sr.id name_label = "VM root volume" size = 10737418240 } timeouts { create = "20m" } }
What am I missing?
forgot to add the version of everything
xo-server 5.111.1
xo-web 5.114.0
Terraform Provider version 24.1 -
Since I suppose you are using XO from the sources, please provide your commit number
(see https://xen-orchestra.com/docs/community.html#report-a-bug)
Maybe it's Terraform related, let me add @ddelnano in the loop
@mlustosa apologies for the slow response on that issue. I'm hoping to around to addressing that within the next week or so and thanks for posting the workaround on the related issue.
O olivierlambert moved this topic from Xen Orchestra on