GPU passthrough, Windows 11 guest, "Working properly" becomes "Code 43"
I think we had users where it worked (here on the forum) but I don't remember if it was on Windows 10 or 11
@planedrop That has also been my experience as well in the past. I have attempted this again recently because last year Nvidia changed the drivers in a way that code 43 should no longer be an issue with most GTX gpus that people would be trying to pass into a VM. There are many videos of this just working in Proxmox and VMware with those driver changes. I do not get the code 43 error when installing the device drivers in the VM, just BSOD as seen above and reboots. If there are special steps needed to make this work on XCP-NG it would be great if we could get that documented, the other thing is that both of these systems are running on AMD and there might be bios changes we need to make?.
A detail however: most of our known working use cases are with server-grade hardware.
I have attempted this on an Intel v4 Xeon platform and had some of the same issues and could not get it working.
Server grade also means server grade cards
@topher Oh yeah I had totally forgotten about those changes. However, my understanding from that link is that you still need 2 GPUs installed in most cases for it to work right; whereas OP I believe only has a single GPU on the system.
I have onboard Radeon graphics, and NVIDIA dGPU
@branpurn Gotcha.. Hmmmmmm
I really wish I could provide more guidance here but not sure I have that much left to add the conversation. I just know every time I've done GPU passthrough I've ran into issues similar to this, BSODs, code 43, etc.....
Not saying to give up, just trying to put it into perspective since I spent 100s of hours trying to get it going myself on a few different occurrences and hardly had any luck. I.e. be prepared to do a lot of work and spend a lot of time to get this going lol. I'm confident it's possible but getting there is the hard part.
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Yeah I guess that is true ... Nvidia Titan and Threadriper pro are at least workstation. It is just interesting that consumer GPU's are working on other platforms and not xen/XCP-NG.
That might change in the future
We are working on better chipset emulation that should help on many aspects
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