Help with Command Line Translation to XO Jobs
Howdy all!
I have a script that runs the following 2 commands:xe vm-shutdown --multiple power-state=running tags:contains=NAS_REQD xe vm-shutdown --multiple power-state=running tags:contains=NAS_REQD_LAST
Is there any way I can somehow convert these to the Jobs section? I'd love to execute this from the GUI within XO, but I'm not sure I have the skills LOL.
Conversely, the reverse of this script calls this:
xe vm-start power-state=halted vm=NS01 sleep 5 xe vm-start power-state=halted vm=RELAY01 sleep 5 xe vm-start --multiple power-state=halted tags:contains=NAS_REQD
This allows two VMs to start first, and then all the rest to start at the same time. Obviously I can add vm.start for the 2 specific, but how would I then quantify "everything else" with that tag on the Jobs screen?
O olivierlambert moved this topic from Xen Orchestra on
Hopefully someone in the community will guide you, personally I never played with jobs