Sdn controller and physical network
I have a question
If i understood i create a gre/vxlan between Host to communicate
After that Can i create a network and attaché VM? I think yes
But how to advise my physical router to this New network ? with bgp? Or other protocol ?
How to configure this advertisement?Regards
Hi @mbriet
Yes, you can create a private network across pools, see
For the rest, I'm not sure to understand, maybe @AtaxyaNetwork does
To be clear
In vmware nsxt WE have a Genève network for Host communication and controller communication
And After we can create network for virtual machine
And the controler take the rôle if internal router and IS connect to physical network with bgp to advise the New New network and recieve network fromage bgp peer for the external communication -
I'm sorry, I'm struggling to understand what what you write
(since I'm not also a network specialist too). But let's wait for someone else in the community to chime in.
@olivierlambert He seems to be referring to some VMware dynamic networking I think. I looked at Tanzu a couple of years ago and see bits of it there. I try to forget about it because its a terribly expensive k8s platform and breaks the spirit of why I like k8s.
Sure no worries i'm not a network Guy only vmware and storage
It will be to help for the understanding
I forgot to mention - he also talks about Layer 3 features (BGP) and that he has to configure on his switch in the case of XCP. Most folks don't really have an L3 router beyond their firewall appliance. Not needed. And you can't configure BGP there. Boundary Gateway Protocol is for a more serious exposure to the internet and involves interacting with ASN routing tables. Lets just say beyond the scope of the forum. Most folks operate on a L2 network of some sort and don't configure VLANs. There are many exceptions here, I assume but they would tend to be pretty technical already. This stuff is fire and liability to advise about.
I see lots of questions here that probably would help with some simple configuration drawings to show a typical small network translated ( NAT ) environment for newbies. There are other tricks like router on a stick and such that mimick IP telephone connections to be able to use VLANs.
I understanding a hâte
But WE have a network with some vlan
If i create a private network on thé xcp sdn (i understanfd private network liké Genève network on vmware) Can i create a vlan network for the VM sample vlan 1000
How Can i route my New network to physical network in other term how m'y physical server Can communicate with my vms
Or it's not possible in this case what IS the rôle if private network ?
Does it mean all vlan must be exist on my physical networkI think i must read somes Doc and see somes vidéo to understanding correctly thé sdn and private network