Xcp-ng 8.2 no more recognized with Cloudstack since last update
@stormi so i got my XCP-NG on CS 4.19 following your direction, its a fresh install of both, however i seem to be missing something, there are no templates showing to boot anything in the way of compute, i thought it would pull the XCP templates, but it seems not, how to proceed? do i need to upload isos to xcp-ng for them to appear in cs ??
@dingo you should ask CloudStack, because I think it's more related to "how to use CloudStack" than XCP-ng. I did a quick search there's https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Community and https://github.com/apache/cloudstack
If you can't find a simple way to ask, just contact me, I know some CloudStack dev that might help you with your question
@olivierlambert seems to me that youve moved away from CS a bit, it used to be quite a nice combination years back, though now probably a different story. easily with the XOA lite on 8.3 itll most likely break any integrations, gotta say kudos for xcp-ng great work, sad that the xoa pricing model is so steep, so it forces me to use something like CS just based on costs, and the latest XOA, seems templates and ssh-keys, appear a bit disfunnctional, as well as deploying k8s, all the more reasons im forced to use CS. great work on xcp-ng as i said, bus XOA needs to die or be cost effective and functional
seems to me that youve moved away from CS a bit
What? We always worked with CS devs when they needed info on XCP-ng. I never used CloudStack myself, so I can't answer a specific CloudStack question, why would you would think "we moved away"?
it forces me to use something like CS just based on costs
What x2? Why not using XO from the sources? It's 100% free. Also, we have a new pricing model that is even cheaper including everything.
seems templates and ssh-keys, appear a bit disfunnctional, as well as deploying k8s
Can you be more specific? We have many users relying on it and I'm not aware of current issues at the moment?
bus XOA needs to die or be cost effective and functional
That's nice of you
@olivierlambert said in Xcp-ng 8.2 no more recognized with Cloudstack since last update:
seems to me that youve moved away from CS a bit
What? We always worked with CS devs when they needed info on XCP-ng. I never used CloudStack myself, so I can't answer a specific CloudStack question, why would you would think "we moved away"?
ill review the new pricing, but xcp-ng / cloud stack documentation is quite lacking. it used to be pretty much plug and play back in the day
it forces me to use something like CS just based on costs
What x2? Why not using XO from the sources? It's 100% free. Also, we have a new pricing model that is even cheaper including everything.
for the lazy
XOA dfrom sources doesnt have alot of the features needed, like deploying K8s clusters, or templates and thats just an example
seems templates and ssh-keys, appear a bit disfunnctional, as well as deploying k8s
Can you be more specific? We have many users relying on it and I'm not aware of current issues at the moment?
i installed a fresh 8.3 the other day and got XOA on it, tried to deploy a k8s cluster, it failed. only deployed a master did nothing else, second to this i added a ssh-key to debian and installed from a template, could not login to debian, it did seem to work on almaLinux just fine
bus XOA needs to die or be cost effective and functional
That's nice of you
Yupp, thats me being frustrated.. trying to get something to work so i can move forward.
ill review the new pricing, but xcp-ng / cloud stack documentation is quite lacking. it used to be pretty much plug and play back in the day
It should be plug and play, but as I said, we always been very friendly with CS devs and we even participated to a CS event in last November. If the integration is less good nowadays, you should tell CS people, because our API is stable since it exists. We can't be blamed if it works less well (if it's even confirmed) because that's not on us
for the lazy
XOA dfrom sources doesnt have alot of the features needed, like deploying K8s clusters, or templates and thats just an example
So you want turnkey and cheap/free
i installed a fresh 8.3 the other day and got XOA on it, tried to deploy a k8s cluster, it failed. only deployed a master did nothing else, second to this i added a ssh-key to debian and installed from a template, could not login to debian, it did seem to work on almaLinux just fine
If it fails and you don't report it (or nobody does), I don't see how we could help
Yupp, thats me being frustrated.. trying to get something to work so i can move forward.
Please try to be nice, because even if you are frustrated, being not nice won't help to get assistance for free on a community forum
@olivierlambert said in Xcp-ng 8.2 no more recognized with Cloudstack since last update:
ill review the new pricing, but xcp-ng / cloud stack documentation is quite lacking. it used to be pretty much plug and play back in the day
It should be plug and play, but as I said, we always been very friendly with CS devs and we even participated to a CS event in last November. If the integration is less good nowadays, you should tell CS people, because our API is stable since it exists. We can't be blamed if it works less well (if it's even confirmed) because that's not on us
for the lazy
XOA dfrom sources doesnt have alot of the features needed, like deploying K8s clusters, or templates and thats just an example
So you want turnkey and cheap/free
no, i want working and affordable, just checked the new pricing model, yes, now it appears affordable. bonus points.
i installed a fresh 8.3 the other day and got XOA on it, tried to deploy a k8s cluster, it failed. only deployed a master did nothing else, second to this i added a ssh-key to debian and installed from a template, could not login to debian, it did seem to work on almaLinux just fine
If it fails and you don't report it (or nobody does), I don't see how we could help
i have another deployment at home, ill test the k8s again in the lab, as for the ssh keys, i did mentioned it on the channel, just in case its not a bug but i did something wrong.
Yupp, thats me being frustrated.. trying to get something to work so i can move forward.
Please try to be nice, because even if you are frustrated, being not nice won't help to get assistance for free on a community forum
@dingo xcp-ng templates and cs templates are something irrelevant.
What are you trying to do?I am using cs with xcp-ng around 4 years.
I could help you
@AlexanderK Just started playing with CS. Trying to see if this might be a better fit for our endusers than the current XOA. XOA is okay, but definitely more focused and defined for admins of the full XCP-ng stack vs. just wanting to deploy VMs. It's possible XO 6 might solve a lot of my issues, but we're looking around for other options that will utilize XCP-ng underneath the covers while maybe giving a better frontend experience for customers.
At this point I'm just trying to get a rather vanilla XCP-ng host in my lab connected to CS so I can learn the architecture better but I'm running into issues. I won't deny that I'm a noob with CS so some of the components are still foreign to me but simply connecting a host is giving me troubles and documentation seems a little spotty. Any ideas? This might need to go into a new thread.
"Cannot transit agent status with event AgentDisconnected for host....Unable to transition to a new state from Creating via AgentDisconnected" -
@AlexanderK im basically trying to deploy cs with 8.2.1 where im limited in interfaces, and im on public ip space.
@jimmymiller cs vm can communicate with xcp-ng host?
For endusers cs is better solution. It can create networks, vpcs and many more with the push of a button.The difficult part of cs is setting it up, learn how to use it and teach others how to use it.
I using it around 4-5 users. With the use of terraform it is something amazing.When i was setting it up i have found somewhere, apache recommends 3 months of comprehend network infra of cs and then 3 months of debugging.
And...remember this... always check logs. Usually all issues can be solved easily.
@dingo try it first at a lab enviroment.
There was a guide somewhere giving info about setting it up with VirtualBox and understand networking.
https://www.shapeblue.com/virtualbox-test-env/Have a look here
@AlexanderK dont think you follow, i own, meaning they are my machines, 4 large bare metal hosts on public ip space, each has only 1 nic ..... with xcp-ng installed,
id like to use CS to provision them, but cant get my head around the public / private ip spaces, when all my ips are public on a /26 ... each box does have a second nic, but it is not wired to the switch, only 1 nic is, and they are in a colo, so i have only 1 port per machine. -
@AlexanderK Yes. The hosts and CS Management server are on the same L2/no firewalls. I think it has to do with me wanting to use an "L2 network topology" out the gate but from the reading I'm doing, this is definitely atypical. I've blown away the zone and reconstructed it in what I think is a "normal" CS config now.
I've gotten the hosts attached at least, but now I'm seeing issues with getting the SystemVMs up and running. I did check the 'use local host storage' option in the zone config and I can see CS is at least touching/renamed the local SR.
Secondary Storage Vm creation failure in zone [xxxxxx]. Error details: Unable to allocate capacity on zone [2] due to [null]. Console proxy creation failure. Zone [xxxxxx]. Error details: Unable to orchestrate start VM instance {"id":20,"instanceName":"v-20-VM","type":"ConsoleProxy","uuid":"f138df9e-92c4-4cfd-9333-7d8396c436e6"} due to [Unable to acquire lock on VMTemplateStoragePool: 31].
My storage network is completely private and everything is hanging off a single bond0 where I have VLANs carved down to the XCP-ng host, but I haven't configured any networks within XO. I assume CS was supposed to take care of that?
I'm also not seeing the VMs show up in XO. Am I supposed to see instances and SystemVMs in XO?
Thanks for any help.