Need some advice on retention
For one of my customers, I need to set a more specific backup retention policy. They would like to keep their backups for 2 years with one backup per month, and daily backups for the last 30 days. I am a little confused about how to set this up inside the backup job. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
@rtjdamen you could simply make two backup jobs, one for daily backups and one for monthly backups.
@Forza thanks, so it is not creating 1 backup job with multiple schedules?
I have a similar backup strategy
One backup job with 2 schedules
Works fine for me -
@rtjdamen that works too of course. I find it easier to manage multiple jobs and use tags to match vms.
For example
Weekly full
Daily full
Every 4h incremental
Every 1h incremental
...The each VM is tagged with the type of backups that should be used. It also helps me see instantly what type of backups a specific VM has.
@Forza thank you, but if i understand correct, creating 2 schedules will help to maintain 2 retentions, so if i create a schedule for daily with retention 30 it will keep the last 30 days, and create a schedule for once a month with retention 12 it will create a backup once a month and keep it for 1 year?
Exactly -
@ph7 thanks guys!