Installing xo-cli on new VM
I'm trying to install xo-cli on a new Ubuntu 22.02 VM. I don't need the full XO, just the cli. I've installed NPM, and did
sudo npm install -g xo-cli
, but when I try to runxo-cli register...
, it returns ths:internal/process/esm_loader.js:74 internalBinding('errors').triggerUncaughtException( ^ Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package 'fs' imported from /usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-cli/index.mjs at packageResolve (internal/modules/esm/resolve.js:664:9) at moduleResolve (internal/modules/esm/resolve.js:705:18) at Loader.defaultResolve [as _resolve] (internal/modules/esm/resolve.js:798:11) at Loader.resolve (internal/modules/esm/loader.js:100:40) at Loader.getModuleJob (internal/modules/esm/loader.js:246:28) at ModuleWrap.<anonymous> (internal/modules/esm/module_job.js:47:40) at link (internal/modules/esm/module_job.js:46:36) { code: 'ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }
Am I missing something I need to install? I've had this happen before on a Rocky 9 VM as well, but someone else had fixed that for me.
That's what it was. For whatever reason, ubuntu defaults to installing these versions for node and npm respectively:
8.5.1Following the steps here fixed it. As always, thanks!!
fs is a native package in Node, so it's very weird. Double check you are using Node LTS and if you spot any install error.
That's what it was. For whatever reason, ubuntu defaults to installing these versions for node and npm respectively:
8.5.1Following the steps here fixed it. As always, thanks!!
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