cleanVm: incorrect backup size in metadata
cleanVm: incorrect backup size in metadata path "/xo-vm-backups/db8b6e5f-6e3a-e919-f5c1-d097f46eb259/20240321T000510Z.json" actual 21861989376 expected 21861989888
I've been having this warning for 3~ months, on all my VMs.
At first the difference was just a few bytes (if those are bytes), but now the difference seems to be growing.Running XO from the sources, updated multiple times during those 3 months, and also updated yesterday, same warning still occurred during last night's backup.
Any ideas how to get rid of this?
Pinging @florent
I found the same message in the Backup log as well:
Xen Orchestra, commit 9b9c7
Several VMs are being backed up, this message only appears for one.
Last time I asked @florent it's a non-problematic message, I think it will be removed in the future.
It's really confusing. I'm using the current version of XO and I see this in the log:
The value in the file mentioned is the expected value and the backup file itself is the appropriate size:
Xen Orchestra, commit 494ea
As if XO calculates the value before the backup is complete and the file has time to grow a bit?
Last time I asked the answer was "you can safely ignore this". Keeping @florent in the loop though.
@olivierlambert All my backups have and have had them all the time. I ignore them but it's quite disconcerting
It looks like this issue occurs only when saving the backup to non-block storage. When saving to block storage ("Store backup as multiple data blocks instead of a whole VHD file: ON"), it does not, at least in my environment.