Win11 VM update 23H2 -> 24H2 fail
Dear all,
I'm using xcp-ng 8.3 and I'm trying to update Win11 VM version 23H2 to 24H2, but the VM fail to boot. The Win11 VM is automatically reboot during update as it should and then starts upgrade until 30% reached. After next reboot the VM hangs up showing the blue window sign and the moving circle. Waiting a few hours, still no change.
After automatic update roll back error 0xc1900101 is shown. It seem to be a generic error, but
- enough space is available (39gb free space)
- citrix drivers up to date, version 9.4 is used
- no system critical software like anti-virus, ... is used
- no special features like pass-through hardware
Tried the update with and without secure boot. Does anybody has an idea what I can do to upgrade?
Try removing the Xentools and running the update. Then reinstalling the tools after. I have had luck doing this when upgrading Windows server from 2022 to 2025, may also apply here as well.
@olivierlambert @payback007 @flakpyro I tested my Win11 23H2 setup (on XCP 8.3) and had the same type of problem. Everything was updated and working on 23H2 with XenTools 9.4. Then Windows update ran and downloaded 24H2 and just got stuck after a reboot (windows logo and spinning circle). Force reboot made Win11 revert, so that good.
I un-installed the XenTools 9.4 (just from the control panel/uninstall) and then ran windows update again. This time it did update with a few automatic reboots. I then re-installed the XenTools 9.4 and everything is working on Win11 24H2 now.
I guess there is some problem between XenTools 9.4 and 24H2 update, not a XCP problem.
I did not test the ISO 24H2 update, just the automatic windows update.