Cloud-init hangs on boot if i check delete configdrive after first boot
I run XO from the sources on Xen Orchestra, commit 6d34c & Master, commit 9af58. I use cloud-init with the lastest debian 12 bookworm generic cloud image from the debian site. I need to help to fix it since I can't find any information on what might be causing this and not checking the delete configdrive after first boot allows everything to work as expected. I can provide anything necessary to help diagnose the issue. @olivierlambert sorry to tag you here but i've been having this issue for a while and seems likely to be a bug not a config issue as previous versions of XO had no issues with this setup.
You may want to check out the following PR --
This will be fixed in this month release
(and sooner on master branch)
Its now merged. Please update your commit to the latest one, rebuild and it should work. Feedback if it's OK for you is welcome @Spyctor !
@olivierlambert thank you for the information, I have tested it again. The current behavior is that after checking the box to destroy the cloudinit config, it does not actually do so. On the bright side the cloudinit does still work. My versions are Xen Orchestra, commit 1f4ec, Master, commit 1f4ec. I am currently doing pool patches, I will updated this post when that has completed.
Edit: Durring the pool update I attempted this again because the first VMs I tested were deleted before the recommended 5 minutes. This disk was never deleted but may be due to a migration durring the pool update. The Vm tested after the pool update completed did delete the disk within the 5 minutes.
@Spyctor Did you check it 5 minutes after the VM had booted? That's when the config drive should be removed.
@Danp It used to be 45 seconds to a minute before, but good to know thank you. I updated my origional reply with the updated information. Thank you for for the help