Common Virtualization Tasks in XCP-ng
I am going to migrate my VMware env to XCP-ng and will be needing support if it can replace VMware. Kindly advise how can I
Get my XCP-ng host to scan new HBA disk presented from hp MSA. Can it be done via any command as I do not see any GUI option in XOA. In Vmware we have option to scan hba and storage to look for new FC disk
How can I add CPU and Memory with command or power shell script to any VM (preferably hot add)
Is there any option to export VM and Hosts inventory into CSV? Can we have a powershell script or something like that
If you really need support, you should go with the professional services
This is a community forum, people are here to assist for free, there's no guarantee
Also, please avoiding pinging me directly, I already have too many notifications, if everyone does that, it won't help
@olivierlambert apology, I do not need pro support... just evaluating product for my company... I know expert advise is not free
FYI, a powershell SDK is about to come in the following weeks, so hang on
Until then, you can use xo CLI:
A powershell SDK? Oh, you just made me a rather happy guy.