XCP-ng 8.1 Release Candidate now available!
Can you export and import VMs with xcp-ng Center? I have a single host pool so I'm not sure what the best method is of exporting them and then importing them once the new SR is created.
My XO Community Edition resides on the experimental SR . So I can use that to move/export my other VMs first but I'm not sure how to move the actual XO CE last. I may have to simply reinstall it from scratch which isn't a big deal.
@Biggen Not sure if this will work for you, but I temporarily migrated my VDIs to my backup source (I created an NFS SR) and then deleted / recreated my local storage.
I think that is what I'll do.
Its the import that I'm not quite sure how to handle. If I backup everything to a NFS and delete the old SR, then I have no controlling XO any longer to begin the import. So I either have to manually reinstall XO CE or use xcp-ng Center.
@Biggen To be clear, I didn't export / import. Here's what I did --
- Created a new NFS SR on my backup device
- Migrated the existing VDIs to the NFS SR
- Removed the existing local storage (was LVM)
- Recreated the local storage as Ext4
- Migrated the disks back to local storage
IIRC, I had to restart a few of the VMs post migration but otherwise the process worked fine for me
What did you use to migrate with? Did you have another host where you could run XO(A) from?
@Biggen No, the host doesn't change at all. You are just moving all disks to different storage so that you can recreate your local storage. I believe the latest version of XO lets you do this from the SR > Disks tab.
If you run into issues with moving your XO instance, you could always spin up a 2nd instance or use XOA.
Oh, I see. You are talking about migrating everything including XOA to NFS and running it from there while I'm destroying/recreating the SR, and then moving everything back.
Yeah I get it now.
Upgrading to 8.1 from 8.0 went just fine. Thanks for the help @Danp. Moving everything to a temporary NFS share worked easy (although one stubborn VM couldn't be migrated for some reason. I had to perform a copy instead).
Just be aware if you pass through any disks or have a local ISO SR setup in dom0, you will have to set it back up again. The pass through disks are easy since the data itself on the drives isn't touched. You just have to pass them back through and reattach to the appropriate VM. The local ISO SR is another story since it gets wiped if it resides in dom0. Not a big deal. Just have to copy back into it the installation ISOs required and add it back in the storage menu.
@Biggen said in XCP-ng 8.1 Release Candidate now available!:
local ISO SR
Why not just setup an NFS one?
@Danp I should but I use it so seldom that I just have never got around to it. Might as well now so I only have to build it again from scratch just this once!
Import (in XO and XCP-ng center) / restore from back up is broken. It works with 8.1 RC1 but with latest patches applied or prefinal 3 it fails.
Think this is the relevant bit of the log,
"message": "VM_BAD_POWER_STATE(Plugged VBD creation only allowed for suspended VM)", "name": "XapiError", "stack": "XapiError: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE(Plugged VBD creation only allowed for suspended VM) at Function.wrap (/home/node/xen-orchestra/packages/xen-api/src/_XapiError.js:16:12) at _default (/home/node/xen-orchestra/packages/xen-api/src/_getTaskResult.js:11:29) at Xapi._addRecordToCache (/home/node/xen-orchestra/packages/xen-api/src/index.js:831:24) at forEach (/home/node/xen-orchestra/packages/xen-api/src/index.js:852:14) at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at Xapi._processEvents (/home/node/xen-orchestra/packages/xen-api/src/index.js:842:12) at /home/node/xen-orchestra/packages/xen-api/src/index.js:1003:14 at Generator.next (<anonymous>) at asyncGeneratorStep (/home/node/xen-orchestra/packages/xen-api/dist/index.js:62:103) at _next (/home/node/xen-orchestra/packages/xen-api/dist/index.js:64:194) at tryCatcher (/home/node/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/util.js:16:23) at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (/home/node/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:547:31) at Promise._settlePromise (/home/node/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:604:18) at Promise._settlePromise0 (/home/node/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:649:10) at Promise._settlePromises (/home/node/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:729:18) at _drainQueueStep (/home/node/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:93:12) at _drainQueue (/home/node/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:86:9) at Async._drainQueues (/home/node/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:102:5) at Immediate.Async.drainQueues [as _onImmediate] (/home/node/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:15:14) at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:456:21)"
@jmccoy555 Just tested a VM restore and it worked fine for me. <shrug>
@jmccoy555 @Danp what's your XAPI version?
rpm -q xapi-core xapi-xe xapi-tests
Also which version of XO are using? What kind of backup were you trying to restore?
# rpm -q xapi-core xapi-xe xapi-tests xapi-core-1.214.1-2.4.xcpng8.1.x86_64 xapi-xe-1.214.1-2.4.xcpng8.1.x86_64 xapi-tests-1.214.1-2.4.xcpng8.1.x86_64
@jmccoy555 Can we have the full XO log with the name of the action that created the error?
Can we have the XCP-ng log as well corresponding to this error? -
2020-03-30T13_19_28.603Z - XO.log.txt [0_1585573773406_2020-03-30T13_19_28.603Z - XO.txt.log](Uploading 0%) @stormi
Works - Fresh RC1 install as a VM
xapi-tests-1.214.1-2.2.xcpng8.1.x86_64Fails - The above with patches applied
xapi-tests-1.214.1-2.5.xcpng8.1.x86_64I have tried a restore from a scheduled XO back up.
I also have exported the VM from XO as a .XVA and tried importing with XO and XCP-ng center, both fail but work with 8.1 RC1 before patches.
xo-server 5.57.3
xo-web 5.57.1I'll have to dig the logs out later if still required.[0_1585573752708_2020-03-30T13_19_28.603Z - XO.log](Uploading 0%)
@jmccoy555 Thanks for the info, can you precise what kind of backup you were using? Delta? continuous replication?
@BenjiReis 'Backup' and 'Export' from the VM screen in XO.
Ok thanks!