XCP-NG featured on the FLOSS Weekly Podcast on Twit.tv
They had some guy on there named Oliver Lambert talking about XCP-NG... which is crazy because they have the same name as @olivierlambert
It was a great show, go check it out if you have some time on your hands everyone!
What a coincidence!
Thanks for posting the link
Love the twit network, I don't normally listen to FLOSS weekly but will go grab this one.
@garethw Agreed, what I do is subscribe but not auto download FLOSS and then I read the description to see if I am in interested in the project, because there really is a very wide range of software covered by the words "open source". And when I saw XCP-NG, I got that tingly feeling
@olivierlambert my pleasure, you did great, if you do some other podcasts in English out there, link them up, I thought you had a good voice too which is critical on audio.