Backup Retention Cleanup Issue
In XO, the backup retention is set to 3 however XCP-ng center shows there are 9 VMs while XO only shows 3 backups:
In XO restore, I see only 3 full backups:
But in XCP-ng Center, I see 9 backups:
Any ideas what could be causing this? I've been manually deleting the old backups via XCP-ng center.
Your problem seems related to replication retention, not backup retention.
Ping @julien-f
edit: are you using XOA or XO? which version? Are you up to date?
HI @olivierlambert ,
I'm using XO Community compiled from sources version 5.54.0.
Edit: I just updated from 5.54.0 to 5.59.0 to see if this will fix the issue.
Good, keep us posted.