Import VM from VirtualBox to XO
Hi, is there any possibilities to import VM from VirtualBox to XO?
I have installed Xen Orchestra from source. Exported ova file v.1 (also v.2) from VirtualBox. But when I imported it (XO: Import > VM) after few minutes of loading (12%) Xen Orchestra say "VM import failed" and "See Log" but in XO log is nothing.
How to import VM from VirtualBox?
Please report the exact issue: is there anything in settings/logs? Anything in the browser console?
Pinging @nraynaud
@olivierlambert Console provide only one POST message. See below.
FYI: ova file exported from VirtualBox was correctly imported to VMware. Just to know that it has exported regulary.image url)
Is there a way to access your OVA so we can try to reproduce?