Accidental Shutdown Protection Does Not Seem to Work
Upon testing in Windows 10 and Windows 2021 R2 clients on XCP-ng, it seems that the XOA setting to prevent Accidental Shutdown does not appear to be working (on latest XCP-ng and latest XOA 'stable' [one month delayed] branch). Selecting Shutdown from the Start Menu shuts down the VM as per usual.
Is this the intended behavior -- or rather is just a Windows restart supposed to be permitted? (Or is the setting supposed to prevent restarts too?)
Perhaps another solution would be if it was there was some cli command that could enable shutdown protection on all VMs in a host pool (and another that disables it on all VMs)? That would resolve the issue for us as well.
xe vm-list params=all
does show the blocked operations as:
blocked-operations (MRW): clean_shutdown: true; pause: true; suspend: true; hard_reboot: true; (unknown operation): true; hard_shutdown: true; clean_reboot: true
Which seems to suggest that clean-reboots are also supposed to be blocked.
Perhaps someone wiser has figured out a cli command that blocks just shutdowns and allows reboots. Would be really ideal if could be applied to all running VMs at once rather than individually by uuid.
"Accidental Shutdown Protection" works from the hypervisor perspective, not on what's happening inside the VM
(when you said "Start" menu I'm assuming you are doing that from inside the VM?)
Yes, totally makes sense. Thanks!
Consequently, best to accomplish the intended behavior from within the Windows VMs.