Set GPU Placement Policy using XOA
I am looking for a way manage this setting using XOA, but i cannot seem to find where it is. I would like to change the GPU Placement Policy for given host.
It can be done using Xcp-NG center. Is there currently a way to do this using XOA?
I think this is mainly a missing feature in XOA, because nobody asked for it before
Please create the issue on XO Gtihub repository
Off topic, but you have GT730 running? I have a pile of those sitting here that I thought were basically scrap. Maybe they can live on for a bit. Been playing with a few Quadro 2000 cards and didn't realize that more than 1 VM could use them. I haven't looked at Center in a while.
@greg_e I just stick it in the host because i had empty x8 pci slot and i need the GPU right now all those GPU are actually used up.
It works for my use which is very basic 2D autocad.