Facebook and all of its services are 'dead'. What could be the reason, and how long will it last?
Hi @qawsaw
It's due to a network configuration issue at Facebook. Here is a recap so far: https://twitter.com/GossiTheDog/status/1445058227411066885 (first thing I found on Twitter, there's likely better resources around)
It's a bit out of the scope of this forum, but this is an interesting event anyway. You made me realize we need an off topic category
Weird, your profile look like a spam robot
O olivierlambert moved this topic from Network on
@olivierlambert We also realise the fragility of using cloud services and the importance of having on-prem solutions like XCP-ng as well!
Indeed. And on-prem, the most valuable experience we could already have from the FB issue:
- avoid inter-dependencies (Facebook DNS was in their own network that failed, their physical access was also depending on this network)
- get OOB management to avoid any lock-in
Granting all the info I heard were correct. But still good advice anyway
Hey, I get the frustration with Facebook services, but don't count them out just yet. They've had their hiccups, but many still find value. On a related note, if you're exploring other platforms, consider Twitch. It's vibrant, and for a quick boost, some users swear by strategies like Twitch followers instant delivery. Just a thought for your online presence journey!