Error when starting VM after creation
I built a new windows 10 VM, after creation I went to start it and received the below error.
vm.start { "id": "acf54408-dc93-4040-911e-073bf9bdbe4c", "bypassMacAddressesCheck": false, "force": false } { "errors": [ "gamak-xcp-ng: VM_REQUIRES_SR(OpaqueRef:503b3168-dfa1-4332-8f6c-f491154f2a78, OpaqueRef:39192569-2188-42e2-b0f6-3ca13b3e9bcf)" ], "message": "", "name": "Error", "stack": "Error: at Xapi._startVm (file:///opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server/src/xapi/index.mjs:990:15) at Xapi.startVm (file:///opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server/src/xapi/index.mjs:1026:7) at Api.callApiMethod (file:///opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server/src/xo-mixins/api.mjs:314:20)" }
What doe this error mean?
@Bane said in Error when starting VM after creation:
Probably that one of the SR needed by the VM is not available, do you have multiple disk attached to the VM? did you unmount the install ISO?
It appears that my ISO library got disconnected.
@Bane If the ISO SR is down and the ISO still mounted on the VM the VM can't start that's intended
@Darkbeldin Well if XCP had just told me it was down
@Bane It did... just not in a user friendly manner.
@Danp I can agree with that