Remove xocloudconfig disk with xo-cli
Hello everyone,
I started recently using XCP-ng and XO and I'm looking for some help or suggestion from more experienced users.
I'm creating VMs using Terraform and configuring it using cloud-init. My question is how can I remove xocloudconfig disk from VM after cloud-init is done.
I suppose it is possible using xo-cli, but maybe you have a better way to achieve this.
From Terraform I can get VM IDs and then query the info using xo-cli:}, "managementAgentDetected": true, "pvDriversDetected": false, "pvDriversVersion": "7.20.0-9", "$container": "90150965-ea43-4f31-90d2-ffb877cfa385", "$VBDs": [ "fb5d0af8-b339-542c-8dbe-900cf79e8924", "f05fff31-8fbb-dd67-ae9a-b44c4109d480" ], "VGPUs": [], "$VGPUs": [], "vga": "std",
From Terraform I can also get vdi and vbd IDs, but only for the main disk, the cloud-init disk is invisible in Terraform configuration. So I suppose I can somehow use the VM info query to extract the second vbd ID as JSON object and then disconnect it and remove it from VM using xo-cli?
And help is appreciated.
ThanksRe: xo-cli help
We should probably have an option in XO to detect when the VM is up (ie tools online) and remove the cloud config drive automatically after that.
@olivierlambert Can you help me solve this now until the change is made upstream?
Any idea how can I get vbd id in bash? I tried jq without luck. And also how to safely remove the second diskEDIT: First ID is the second xvdb disk
"$VBDs": [ "fb5d0af8-b339-542c-8dbe-900cf79e8924", "f05fff31-8fbb-dd67-ae9a-b44c4109d480" ],
I did in fact manage to get IDs with jq$ xo-cli --list-objects id=b7fcb7d8-9955-4ebf-820d-faa14594755d | jq -r '.[]."$VBDs"' [ "e947aa57-9e75-677d-7e49-dd079253b216", "06189a88-d8a6-dcc9-7f79-af5eb7dc327f" ]
And use array in bash
$ arr=( $(xo-cli --list-objects id=b7fcb7d8-9955-4ebf-820d-faa14594755d | jq -r '.[]."$VBDs"') ) $ printf '%s\n' "${arr[@]}"
EDIT: I managed to parse the vbd using some bash formatting and delete it using
$ xo-cli vbd.disconnect id=$VAR true $ xo-cli vbd.delete id=$VAR true
@slax we might get this upstream in few weeks