Can xcp-ng be use to resell VPS?
Can anyone provide any opinions/thoughts on this matter please ?
Seems like this has been previously discussed. Did you try searching the forum for similar threads?
@Danp said in Can xcp-ng be use to resell VPS?:
Seems like this has been previously discussed. Did you try searching the forum for similar threads?
Yes I did and found several thread about WHMCS talk but that's all I found.
I too am interested in an answer to this. I don't have any plans to resell XCP-ng resources but am just genuinely curious about what Vates thinks of this kind of use for XCP-ng. Seems to me it would be OK though? I mean big providers of cloud servers like run on XCP-ng right?
Commercially speaking, we have a partner program that is custom depending on the requirements
(also providing assistance on how to build stuff on top of XO API).
For WHMCS, sadly it's kind of horrible pile of code we don't know. But I'm confident it's not that hard to build a plugin for XO if you know WHMCS
@olivierlambert For VPS perspective, XO little hard to manage some details.
Adding ip to vps, changing root-pass, changing resources, on the fly, backup,restore things for vps will be painfull XO and Xen based solutions. Because vps-hosting customers already want this things.
Luckly I used cloud-init for this kind of requirements.
On WHMCS, there is no really good solution as plugin for XO.
Everything happening in the VM is not XO related (that's, as you said, more Cloudinit related).
I don't see any problem to use XO API to do everything you need, even backup/restore and so on.
@olivierlambert Yes, I try to mention same, VPS users already want OS related things and its not related XO or Xen.
But as a infrastructure management Xen(or XCP) + XO + Whmcs (after build a good plugin to work) will be really good.
@olivierlambert said in Can xcp-ng be use to resell VPS?:
Commercially speaking, we have a partner program that is custom depending on the requirements (also providing assistance on how to build stuff on top of XO API).
Thank you very much. This is good to know. Where can I find the list of API if I want to give it a go at building something myself?
Is this it? -
Depends on the API you want to rely on.
REST API is the easiest one but not as complete than the JSON-RPC over websocket one (basically, the latter is used by XO web, so if you can make something with XO web, it will be available in the API).
Also, there's XO CLI too.
@olivierlambert said in Can xcp-ng be use to resell VPS?:
Where can I find JSON-RPC documentation/librairie?
There's a good advice here:
Basically, the XO CLI uses introspection so you can list all the available API calls you can do.
@olivierlambert said in Can xcp-ng be use to resell VPS?:
Basically, the XO CLI uses introspection so you can list all the available API calls you can do.
Thank you. That's a good way to learn it. I'll see what I can do with it
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