XO (Delta) Backup to BackBlaze B2 with Error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN--Workaround
This is primarily informational, and I wish I had time to work with devs to troubleshoot if they wanted that, but I'm reporting a similar issue to a post from several years ago (backblaze b2 / amazon s3 as remote in xoa). My error message was
getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN s3.us-west-004.backblazeb2.com
I had successfully backed up the initial full with 9 VMs, mostly small, but 2 <500G. But the following attempts at a delta backup failed. I found the aforementioned thread, and bumped my XO RAM to 16, and viola!
I'm running XO Community, commit 5c0b2, XCP-ng v8.2.1.
I intend to make a note in the documentation, unless someone advises otherwise.
This RAM usage will be fixed very soon (or maybe it's already fixed). Don't forget to git pull the latest commit on master!
@olivierlambert Well, I spoke (wrote) a bit too soon! That did indeed resolve the problem. Thanks for the reply!
That's exactly why our doc is precise on this with a big yellow warning block: https://xen-orchestra.com/docs/community.html#report-a-bug
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