The host toolstack is still initialising. Please wait. - unable to do anything.
I have three xcp-ng hosts in an xcp-ng pool. I applied updates on all three hosts but only restarted the first two hosts, xcp-ng-03 was set to the master before I restarted the two other servers. Once they restarted, they have been stuck in maintenance mode. When I log into each server, it shows no nics present (I have two) but I am able to ping all of the IPs. I have restarted the hosts and when I run xe task-list, I get the following: "The host toolstack is still initialising. Please wait."
I am currently running some live VMs on xcp-ng-03, so I haven't restarted this server because I am using these VMs for my infrastructure. I have tried to detach 01 and 02 from the pool but get an error as well. When I look at the Storage and Network, everything shows connected in XO. I also restarted my Synology Server which provides NFS and iSO storage.
Is there something else I can try?
You should always reboot the master first. I think your only option is to reboot xcp-ng-03.
@Danp Ya, I normally restart the master first, but it was late and I was just trying to get them patched and restarted. I restarted 03 and everything came back up. Thanks!
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