Changing of management interface cause impossibility to add new networks in xoa
Hi. Founded a problem after last update of xoa (may be it is coincidence).
- Change mgmt interface from bond to vlan (other network block)
- Upgrade XCPNG (host rebooted). This step is not needed. Without upgrade i have the same situation.
- Lost possibility to add any new vlans in xoa interface: list of pifs is empty, no errors
- it is possible to add new vlan manually or by windows center
- Before this procedure i could add vlans. Only hosts with bond are affected.
Is it a bug of xoa or of my brains?
Issue is now fixed on
branch. A patch release for XOA Latest will come at some point -
Can you provide some screenshots? In which version of XO or XOA are you exactly?
@olivierlambert Now i can confirm absolutely exactly, that XCPNG upgrade or changing of mgmt interface is not a reason of this situation. I checked right now some hosts with bond interface and all these hosts lost possibility to add new networks(vlans) by XO
I think that's an XO bug indeed. Let me ping @MathieuRA or @pdonias
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Issue is now fixed on
branch. A patch release for XOA Latest will come at some point -
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