alert for network trafic (perf-alert plugin)
Hello, I'd like to setup alert for network trafic on VMs. I tried to do it in Settings - Plugins via perf-alert plugin. But in "Alarm type" field there is only cpuUsage and memoryUsage to choose from.
I use version 5.59.0 where is perf-alert plugin v0.2.1. Is there any chance that if I upgrade I will be able to set this kind of alert ? Or there is no way to do it via perf-alert plugin ? Is there another way how to set this up then ?Thanks for your help.
Sure, but we'll need a functional spec. What would you expect in there?
Thanks for quick reply. I would like to have alert for throughput on each VM, respectively on each VIF. -
Can you be more specific: how would you expect to set it, which values and so on. Like imagine you are in front of the UI and describe it (or do some mock design). Thanks!
May be I should describe my problem first. Sometimes happen on our network, that there is very slow response (ping) to some HOST and I would like to know (to be informed) which VM is causing the lag. Which VM sends or receives that big amount of data. And Im looking for the way how to do it in xoa or in xe console by any sort of alarm or whatever.The best way for me would be in XOA settings - plugins. The same way as there is posibbility to set alarm for cpuUsage and memoryUsage. Just set some limit in (for example KB/s) and if exceeds the limit value send alarm on email. But I can do it in console as well. It dos't matter. I am just asking if there is any way to provide it. And if there is, can you briefly describe how to.
Yes, there's a way, it's just a matter of knowing the context (your provided it, thanks!) and how you imagine to set it up. So a limit in KiB/s triggering the alarm, in a nutshell like this but replacing cpuUsage by networkUsage:
However, it's a bit more complex:
- traffic in or out, or both, accumulated or not?
- what if there's multiple virtual interfaces?
- and many other questions you are the only one to answer
More precise your requirement/how you imagine to do it, easier for us to implement without doing 500 back and forth
My very first question was meant, whether there is any alarm for monitoring network ready to use right now.So as I understand (from our further conversation), there is non at the moment.
But you can add it to the future versions of XOA.Am I right ?
I do not know exactly options to watch (measure) network behaviour in virtual enviroment.
Do not know what is possible and what is not.But I think the more precise it could be the better.
- both would be great, but accumulated better then nothing
- would by great for all VIFs separately, but overall better then nothing
- I will let the rest on you, because I do not know possibilities (background) as I mentioned above.
For me above mentioned is enough.
I hope I am not the only one who would appreciate this functionality.
- That's correct, that's why I asked for a spec, so it's easier to build it while knowing exactly what's requested
- Okay so we can start simple
I will make the issue on GH and we'll see how hard it is, to know when we can make it