XOA CloudConfigDrive import is hung
Hello ,
From Hub we downloaded templates which supporting cloud-init. When we crate VM with this template and make config we saw that its not working because of CloudConfigDrive is not imported to VM . its task still running 0% ...
From host only i could see CloudConfigDrive created , i don't know well but couldn't see any error log in XOA . Also little confused one vm have CloudConfigDrive attached other is not and two task task is waiting to over ....
Xen-ng version is 8.2.1
XOA Build number: 24.04.01How could i debug ? We are very new and testing Xen-ng and XOA
VM -
Is your XOA fully up to date? See "XOA" tab. Double check you are on the "latest" channel too.
I can't reproduce the issue here. So it's probably an issue in your setup. Can you check in Pool/Advanced view, on the bottom, if you have a specific backup and/or migration network?
@olivierlambert Ahaaaa , yes also its happened after set backup interface , in the logs i saw its trying to connect via backup network ip address ....
Shouldn't set migration and backup network ? -
Remove both entries, try again and tell if it works better.
@olivierlambert Only removed backup and it works ...
what the issue could be ? in XOA logs i saw calls with backup network ip address -
I think it's because XO is trying to get access to the backup network IP address and it doesn't work (maybe XO doesn't have access to it?). At least having this network set cause the problem during the import disk phase, blocking the cloudinit disk deployment.
@olivierlambert I see , actually when set ip address for backup i'm not settings gw because i don't know how OS manage gw (create multiple routing table or not i don't know) Does it possible to add additional VIF for XOA like how could set for backup proxy ?
Yes, if you want to use this network for backup, XO need to have access. It's easy to add a VIF and configure it: https://xen-orchestra.com/docs/xoa.html#other-interfaces