Single disk backup
Hi there,
we are running XPC-ng and XOA for years and are very happy. Especially since the S3 backend became rock solid (big THANKS!!!) and is getting increasingly faster.
We put our DR backups there and it works like a charm - the health check is also fantastic.We have one use case though were I am not sure how to do it:
We have an Exchnage server VM with three disks: system 200G, data 500G (user mailboxes), arch 900G (archived user mailboxes).
We exclude the arch disk with [NOBAK] (our connection is not that wide) - with that the backup takes roughly a day.
Now, I wonder whether there is a way to exclusively backup the arch disk from time to time.
Of course I can play atound with the [NOBAK] label, but I'd prefer things to be automated as far as possible.
Kind regards
W. Richter -
So a kind of "ignore [NOBAK] for this run" or even more specifically "ignore [NOBAK] just for this disk for this run"?
@olivierlambert Ja, or better to say the inverse of NOBAK i.e. only backup THIS disk.
I see, but in the case you'll miss a backup of the other disks
Anyway, food for thoughts, maybe there's other ways to achieve that easily (ie an extra job or extra schedule ignoring NOBAK)
@olivierlambert Indeed. That would possibly be a way. I fully understand stand it is tricky to do without making the interface esoteric
If a schedule parameter to ignore NOBAK is fine since you can create an extra schedule in the same job, that should be doable. What do you think @florent ?