Migration from VMware
I am experimenting with migrating from a Managed Bare Metal infrastructure at OVH (https://www.ovhcloud.com/en/managed-bare-metal/) to XCP-ng.
Using the VMware importer in XenOrchestra, I can see all the VMs on the Managed Bare Metal infrastructure. When I click
, the process start and, after a few second (even with a big VM > 500GB), stops withsuccess
according to the Tasks, the VM appears in the VM list but there is no disk.
The log seems to say everything is fine.{ "id": "0lwxp33b8", "properties": { "name": "importing vms vm-4494", "userId": "0bdbf60b-8f77-4cff-a05a-477fcec60b2d", "total": 1, "done": 0, "progress": 0 }, "start": 1717341999236, "status": "success", "updatedAt": 1717342001921, "tasks": [ { "id": "mayek8w1ozd", "properties": { "name": "importing vm vm-4494", "done": 1, "progress": 100 }, "start": 1717341999237, "status": "success", "tasks": [ { "id": "tp8854e54yp", "properties": { "name": "connecting to pcc-****.ovh.com" }, "start": 1717341999237, "status": "success", "end": 1717341999533, "result": { "_events": {}, "_eventsCount": 0 } }, { "id": "ridu6mfyup", "properties": { "name": "get metadata of vm-4494" }, "start": 1717341999534, "status": "success", "end": 1717342001742, "result": { "name_label": "my-vm", "memory": 1073741824, "nCpus": 1, "guestToolsInstalled": false, "firmware": "bios", "powerState": "poweredOn", "disks": [ { "capacity": 8589934592, "isFull": true, "uid": "0b140f81", "fileName": "my-vm-flat.vmdk", "parentId": "ffffffff", "vmdFormat": "VMFS", "nameLabel": "my-vm-flat.vmdk", "datastore": "ssd-014376", "path": "my-vm", "descriptionLabel": " from esxi", "node": "scsi0:0" } ], "networks": [ { "macAddress": "00:50:56:a8:78:ca", "isGenerated": false }, { "macAddress": "00:50:56:a8:02:0a", "isGenerated": false } ] } }, { "id": "v0l7sobjq1c", "properties": { "name": "build disks and snapshots chains for vm-4494" }, "start": 1717342001742, "status": "success", "end": 1717342001742, "result": { "scsi0:0": [ { "capacity": 8589934592, "isFull": true, "uid": "0b140f81", "fileName": "my-vm-flat.vmdk", "parentId": "ffffffff", "vmdFormat": "VMFS", "nameLabel": "my-vm-flat.vmdk", "datastore": "ssd-014376", "path": "my-vm", "descriptionLabel": " from esxi", "node": "scsi0:0" } ] } }, { "id": "k0p35m580ds", "properties": { "name": "creating MV on XCP side" }, "start": 1717342001742, "status": "success", "end": 1717342001909, "result": { "uuid": "5d1263a7-bcb5-d231-7240-9a2756c00bf5", "allowed_operations": [ "changing_NVRAM", "changing_dynamic_range", "changing_shadow_memory", "changing_static_range", "make_into_template", "migrate_send", "destroy", "export", "start_on", "start", "clone", "copy", "snapshot" ], "current_operations": {}, "name_label": "my-vm", "name_description": "from esxi", "power_state": "Halted", "user_version": 1, "is_a_template": false, "is_default_template": false, "suspend_VDI": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "resident_on": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "scheduled_to_be_resident_on": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "affinity": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "memory_overhead": 11534336, "memory_target": 0, "memory_static_max": 1073741824, "memory_dynamic_max": 1073741824, "memory_dynamic_min": 1073741824, "memory_static_min": 1073741824, "VCPUs_params": {}, "VCPUs_max": 1, "VCPUs_at_startup": 1, "actions_after_shutdown": "destroy", "actions_after_reboot": "restart", "actions_after_crash": "restart", "consoles": [], "VIFs": [], "VBDs": [], "VUSBs": [], "crash_dumps": [], "VTPMs": [], "PV_bootloader": "", "PV_kernel": "", "PV_ramdisk": "", "PV_args": "", "PV_bootloader_args": "", "PV_legacy_args": "", "HVM_boot_policy": "BIOS order", "HVM_boot_params": { "order": "cdn" }, "HVM_shadow_multiplier": 1, "platform": { "timeoffset": "0", "nx": "true", "acpi": "1", "apic": "true", "pae": "true", "hpet": "true", "viridian": "true" }, "PCI_bus": "", "other_config": { "mac_seed": "01662052-e49b-f8db-b3b6-b67e986f63f8", "vgpu_pci": "", "base_template_name": "Other install media", "install-methods": "cdrom" }, "domid": -1, "domarch": "", "last_boot_CPU_flags": {}, "is_control_domain": false, "metrics": "OpaqueRef:d7486ad2-2cd7-4a63-b291-09248192181b", "guest_metrics": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "last_booted_record": "", "recommendations": "<restrictions><restriction field=\"memory-static-max\" max=\"137438953472\" /><restriction field=\"vcpus-max\" max=\"32\" /><restriction property=\"number-of-vbds\" max=\"255\" /><restriction property=\"number-of-vifs\" max=\"7\" /><restriction field=\"has-vendor-device\" value=\"false\" /></restrictions>", "xenstore_data": {}, "ha_always_run": false, "ha_restart_priority": "", "is_a_snapshot": false, "snapshot_of": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "snapshots": [], "snapshot_time": "19700101T00:00:00Z", "transportable_snapshot_id": "", "blobs": {}, "tags": [], "blocked_operations": {}, "snapshot_info": {}, "snapshot_metadata": "", "parent": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "children": [], "bios_strings": {}, "protection_policy": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "is_snapshot_from_vmpp": false, "snapshot_schedule": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "is_vmss_snapshot": false, "appliance": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "start_delay": 0, "shutdown_delay": 0, "order": 0, "VGPUs": [], "attached_PCIs": [], "suspend_SR": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "version": 0, "generation_id": "0:0", "hardware_platform_version": 0, "has_vendor_device": false, "requires_reboot": false, "reference_label": "", "domain_type": "hvm", "NVRAM": {} } }, { "id": "2j38o2h3fd", "properties": { "name": "Cold import of disks scsi0:0" }, "start": 1717342001910, "status": "success", "end": 1717342001910, "result": {} }, { "id": "bkk77u1pfp", "properties": { "name": "Finishing transfer" }, "start": 1717342001910, "status": "success", "end": 1717342001920 } ], "end": 1717342001921 } ], "end": 1717342001921, "result": { "vm-4494": "5d1263a7-bcb5-d231-7240-9a2756c00bf5" } }
What have I done wrong ?
I also try with a small VM (less than 4GB) and it doesn't work better.
It's hard to answer without much info (XOA version? are you on latest or stable? if on the sources, check you are on latest commit).
Current version: 5.92.1 - XOA build: 20240401
installed from the host withquick deploy
XPC-ng :8.2.1
Nothing fancy here.
@Denis You should update your XOA to 5.95.0, which was released a few days ago.
Here's a KB article that you may find helpful.
5.92 is already 4 months old… Please update, try again. If it doesn't work, try on the
release channel. -
@Danp Thank you very much ! I had not seen this article
How comes it does not install the latest version when deploying ?
Because you need to deploy & then register, that's required (we do not regen XOA after every monthly release, the updater is here to get you to the right version). There's even a big message to ask you to register when you use XOA.
As soon you register, you will see you aren't up to date
See https://help.vates.tech/kb/en-us/32-architecture-and-installation/32-register-your-xoa
Thank you. I thought the registration was only useful for the trial/license management
Is the migration working now?
Yes, it is good now
Thank you for the help.