Help: Clean shutdown of Host, now no network or VMs are detected
@CodeMercenary Glad it worked out for you.
Another bit of strangeness. I just noticed that some older backup disaster recovery VMs were booted up on my pool master host. I looked at the stats and they all booted 4 hours ago, right around when I tried restarting the toolstack on the pool master. All of them were set to auto-start, an odd setting I think for disaster recovery VMs unless there is supposed to be something in place to stop them from auto-starting. Easy enough to shut down but kinda strange that they booted. Surely disaster recovery VMs aren't supposed to power up on restart, right?
They shouldn't yes. Were you using DR or CR?
@olivierlambert It was DR. I was testing DR a while ago and after running it once I disabled the backup job so these backups have just been sitting on the server. I don't think I've rebooted that server since running that backup.