XOA setup on a completely offline system
Hoping I can get some help here. I have a new build I setup that is completely offline. I am running xcp-ng-8.3.0-rc1. Boots fine and I can access it via a webpage. This setup is being build out as a lab so right now I have no gateways, my laptop and the server are assigned static ips and I access the webpage directly.
Since I could not deploy xoa since I have no internet, my only option was to download the virtual appliance, import it and try to configure it. On the xcp-ng server all I have is the management interface configured because thats all it asked during the install. I used mobaxterm to upload the appliance into the tmp directly, then ran the command to import the appliance.
In xo-lite, I really have no options but to stop and start the xo vm. I downloaded XenCenter-2024.3.0.msi and installed that. Unfortunately when I try to connect to the server, I get an error saying the server version is incompatible with xencenter.
I read some documents about how to set a static ip with xe commands, but that doesnt seem to work. I also tried seeing if i could move the vm vif to the same xenbr as the server, but that is failing also. Any help would be greatly appreciated
We offer air gap services to get you pre-bound XOA without the need for any Internet connection
Otherwise, the workflow you used works too (configure XOA with a connected env and then export it). See https://xen-orchestra.com/docs/airgap.html for more details.
Also, you can use our airgap deploy script in here: https://xen-orchestra.com/blog/xen-orchestra-5-95/#