Jan 5 11:50:26 xcp-ng-slqtflub SM: [15261] ['/sbin/vgs', '--noheadings', '--nosuffix', '--units', 'b', 'VG_XenStorage-da208944-11c3-c286-b097-2dbf5eb37103']
Jan 5 11:50:26 xcp-ng-slqtflub SM: [15261] pread SUCCESS
Jan 5 11:50:26 xcp-ng-slqtflub SM: [15261] lock: released /var/lock/sm/.nil/lvm
Jan 5 11:50:26 xcp-ng-slqtflub SM: [15261] Not enough space! free space: 571608137728, need: 994645639168
Jan 5 11:50:26 xcp-ng-slqtflub SM: [15261] Raising exception [44, There is insufficient space]
To Backup a LVM 1000GB VM , SMlog showing the rquired storage is more than 900GB.BTW , I'm trying to take backup in a external NAS storage using continuous replication
Can you please suggest any work around to backup the VM.