@ChristianL Well, good news. I have my MS-01s. I've been futzing with them now for 36 hours and started off with 8.2.1 XCP-NG on it but was disturbed by the fact I'm not getting full 1 GB in both directions on my NICs. Currently I don't have my SFP ports populated; I'm only using my 2 x 2.5Gbe NICs at the moment. Down seems to pull fine in at 1GBe (my switch is the choke) but going back out of my box suffers at approx 200Mb speeds. I just now upgraded all three MS-01 nodes to 8.3 beta2 and still see the same limitation on sending stuff back out and up the Ethernet NICs. Do you still see your VLAN performance issue? Have you checked to confirm that issue is specific to VLAN and not LAN? Also, have you managed to get the Ethernet NIC feature of the Thunderbolt ports working?