No, but it wasnt CD related... it was an error due to using NFS over ip with xcp center... it creates some process and seems to loop and from there entire server start to act odd, barely load or shut down any VM.... very bad experience. I know its all about XOA now, but thats the only function of Center so far that created negative feedback.
RE: VDI is not available Error
VDI is not available Error
Had to force restart to reboot VM, however, now it wont start giving me error that "VDI is not available". Can anyone recommend how to resolve it?
RE: Docker on XCP-ng
So to be clear, are there any plans as of right now to support Dockers on xcp-ng natively?
RE: Linux vGPU?
Are there are any time line on when you believe nVidia vGPU can or will be available for xcp-ng servers, or due to proprietary side of nVidia, thats not going to be possible to use at all on xcp-ng platform?
RE: Cannot export VM in .ova file
Thank you. Unfortunately, that machine is in datacenter so dont have physical usb access.
Nevertheless, I found a way to do the conversion. Seems as XenConvert 2.3.1 is capable of doing it, however, its only that version that does it, the rest are all different.
Therefore, issue resolved for conversion, but i'm still wondering if im the only one that had that issue or is it quite common given the system version I have to xcp and the center.
RE: Cannot export VM in .ova file
wait... vhd would work too, doesnt have to be just ova.
I tried running a sniffer on the network and saw no requests on any ports from the system other than whats in use, thus same networking layers are used as for .xva.
So i just drilled ssh access to the machine, so would like to do it via cli, if you can perhaps just share with me the rest of command line to move it to remote storage location such as usb, would greatly appreciate it.
xe vdi-list xe vdi-export uuid=the-uuid-of-your-VM filename=filename.vhd format=vhd ......?
RE: Cannot export VM in .ova file
About the error, to you knowledge does the system utilize any ports different from the one it uses for .xva? Could be a networking issue as its quite tight.
Or perhaps, can it be some form of limitation of the memory and power allocated to machine itself.
Would really like to find out if i'm the only one that has the same issue, or to be exact to find the root of it.
RE: Cannot export VM in .ova file
Thank you. I will be exporting the file remotely from a machine in datacenter to a local machine via network.
In the past, as I used XCP-ng Center, I just plugged a USB and export .xva to USB directly.
Now, what would be the line command for the above but .ova.
I got the xe-list and xe export, but what would be the next line to command. I'm not very good a command line on cent/redhat. Would I need to mount remote storage usb etc. Please advice, meanwhile thank you much for assistance so far.
RE: Cannot export VM in .ova file
Sure, but why cant you guys make it "trivial" in XCP-ng Center? You praise XO so much, but one, it comes with limitations, 2nd its another 3rd party software and 3rd to get full capability it has to be paid, and lastly in order for it to be up to date you need it to have internet access given the license etc.
In short, when you build a closed end system its best to take in what you know or can open and double check. I like XCP-ng and I think you guys have done great job and will hire your system admin in the future but for now certain things have to be achieved and I prefer less systems and those few to work as stated.
Thus, when you mention xe CLI export, it there a tutorial one can view to see the steps?
RE: Cannot export VM in .ova file
This is the error sting from the log:
2020-03-19 09:20:01,261 ERROR XenAdmin.Actions.AsyncAction [27] - System.Exception: Failed to export. ---> System.Exception: Failed to transfer virtual disk I:\xx\d7e6a6e0-f362-4c26-8df7-de9fea5fc1ca.vhd. ---> System.Exception: Failed to start the Transfer VM. ---> XenAPI.Failure: There was a failure communicating with the plug-in.
RE: Cannot export VM in .ova file
How can I export VM disks in VHD? This is the first time I'm hearing about that option. Please explain.
RE: Cannot export VM in .ova file
Ok, using XCP-ng Center 7.6.1 x64 to perform an export from a system. The .xva is presently stored on USB, thus portable.
Core system is 7.6, fully patched (not sure how i can find out if otherwise).
Error message is simple "Failed to Export".
The reason why I need .ova is because i need to check a few things on that VM, and usually do it via oracle, thus the end conversion is .vdi, however, virtualbox easily converts .ova file, so for me more important how i can format to .ova from .xva, and why the system doesnt do it itself as intended.
So just updated the XCP-ng Center to the newest version of 20.03.00, and still get the same error on export of .ova
Cannot export VM in .ova file
So i can export VM in .xva format, but not .ova as it gives me an error.
Is it a bug that has been resolved or is it ongoing issue.
Please note, I do not use XOA as this is a sealed network and i have no need for it, so using it is not an option.
Please advice.