Quick update. Import via XOA finished overnight with no error.
I can keep both XOA and source running in parallel for now if you need me to do any more testing
Quick update. Import via XOA finished overnight with no error.
I can keep both XOA and source running in parallel for now if you need me to do any more testing
@olivierlambert Okay, there is definitely a difference. I've kicked off a migration and I'm getting a spinning wheel on the import button rather than a flat out error.
So I guess is the issue is with source??
@florent It's the same error regardless. Currently testing official XO and will report back asap.
Hey @olivierlambert
I'm using Jarli's install/update script and I ran an update and test before I posted so believe the answer is yes.
This stack (XCP) was only built in the last 24hr so everything is pretty much up to date.
Hi all,
I've hit an issue testing import and not seen the answer anywhere else so here goes.
ESX 6.0
XO build from sources
Issue, when importing from vmware I get the following error
"concurrency": 2,
"host": "x.x.x.x",
"network": "7286bb98-7207-610c-0519-44bb366d7b46",
"password": "* obfuscated *",
"sr": "22c0b692-4837-d527-ec8f-3e258baabbf2",
"sslVerify": false,
"stopOnError": true,
"stopSource": false,
"thin": true,
"user": "administrator@vsphere.local",
"vms": [
"succeeded": {},
"message": "Property description must be an object: undefined",
"name": "TypeError",
"stack": "TypeError: Property description must be an object: undefined
at Function.defineProperty (<anonymous>)
at Task.onProgress (/opt/xen-orchestra/@vates/task/combineEvents.js:51:16)
at Task.#emit (/opt/xen-orchestra/@vates/task/index.js:126:21)
at Task.#maybeStart (/opt/xen-orchestra/@vates/task/index.js:133:17)
at Task.runInside (/opt/xen-orchestra/@vates/task/index.js:152:21)
at Task.run (/opt/xen-orchestra/@vates/task/index.js:138:31)
at asyncEach.concurrency.concurrency (file:///opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server/src/api/vm.mjs:1372:58)
at next (/opt/xen-orchestra/@vates/async-each/index.js:90:37)"
I've tried via host and vCenter ip, via thin and thick, snapshot and no snapshot. Also tried via command line.
Any ideas?