Yes, it is good now
Thank you for the help.
RE: Migration from VMware
Thank you. I thought the registration was only useful for the trial/license management
RE: Migration from VMware
@Danp Thank you very much ! I had not seen this article
How comes it does not install the latest version when deploying ?
RE: Migration from VMware
Current version: 5.92.1 - XOA build: 20240401
installed from the host withquick deploy
XPC-ng :8.2.1
Nothing fancy here.
Migration from VMware
I am experimenting with migrating from a Managed Bare Metal infrastructure at OVH ( to XCP-ng.
Using the VMware importer in XenOrchestra, I can see all the VMs on the Managed Bare Metal infrastructure. When I click
, the process start and, after a few second (even with a big VM > 500GB), stops withsuccess
according to the Tasks, the VM appears in the VM list but there is no disk.
The log seems to say everything is fine.{ "id": "0lwxp33b8", "properties": { "name": "importing vms vm-4494", "userId": "0bdbf60b-8f77-4cff-a05a-477fcec60b2d", "total": 1, "done": 0, "progress": 0 }, "start": 1717341999236, "status": "success", "updatedAt": 1717342001921, "tasks": [ { "id": "mayek8w1ozd", "properties": { "name": "importing vm vm-4494", "done": 1, "progress": 100 }, "start": 1717341999237, "status": "success", "tasks": [ { "id": "tp8854e54yp", "properties": { "name": "connecting to pcc-****" }, "start": 1717341999237, "status": "success", "end": 1717341999533, "result": { "_events": {}, "_eventsCount": 0 } }, { "id": "ridu6mfyup", "properties": { "name": "get metadata of vm-4494" }, "start": 1717341999534, "status": "success", "end": 1717342001742, "result": { "name_label": "my-vm", "memory": 1073741824, "nCpus": 1, "guestToolsInstalled": false, "firmware": "bios", "powerState": "poweredOn", "disks": [ { "capacity": 8589934592, "isFull": true, "uid": "0b140f81", "fileName": "my-vm-flat.vmdk", "parentId": "ffffffff", "vmdFormat": "VMFS", "nameLabel": "my-vm-flat.vmdk", "datastore": "ssd-014376", "path": "my-vm", "descriptionLabel": " from esxi", "node": "scsi0:0" } ], "networks": [ { "macAddress": "00:50:56:a8:78:ca", "isGenerated": false }, { "macAddress": "00:50:56:a8:02:0a", "isGenerated": false } ] } }, { "id": "v0l7sobjq1c", "properties": { "name": "build disks and snapshots chains for vm-4494" }, "start": 1717342001742, "status": "success", "end": 1717342001742, "result": { "scsi0:0": [ { "capacity": 8589934592, "isFull": true, "uid": "0b140f81", "fileName": "my-vm-flat.vmdk", "parentId": "ffffffff", "vmdFormat": "VMFS", "nameLabel": "my-vm-flat.vmdk", "datastore": "ssd-014376", "path": "my-vm", "descriptionLabel": " from esxi", "node": "scsi0:0" } ] } }, { "id": "k0p35m580ds", "properties": { "name": "creating MV on XCP side" }, "start": 1717342001742, "status": "success", "end": 1717342001909, "result": { "uuid": "5d1263a7-bcb5-d231-7240-9a2756c00bf5", "allowed_operations": [ "changing_NVRAM", "changing_dynamic_range", "changing_shadow_memory", "changing_static_range", "make_into_template", "migrate_send", "destroy", "export", "start_on", "start", "clone", "copy", "snapshot" ], "current_operations": {}, "name_label": "my-vm", "name_description": "from esxi", "power_state": "Halted", "user_version": 1, "is_a_template": false, "is_default_template": false, "suspend_VDI": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "resident_on": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "scheduled_to_be_resident_on": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "affinity": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "memory_overhead": 11534336, "memory_target": 0, "memory_static_max": 1073741824, "memory_dynamic_max": 1073741824, "memory_dynamic_min": 1073741824, "memory_static_min": 1073741824, "VCPUs_params": {}, "VCPUs_max": 1, "VCPUs_at_startup": 1, "actions_after_shutdown": "destroy", "actions_after_reboot": "restart", "actions_after_crash": "restart", "consoles": [], "VIFs": [], "VBDs": [], "VUSBs": [], "crash_dumps": [], "VTPMs": [], "PV_bootloader": "", "PV_kernel": "", "PV_ramdisk": "", "PV_args": "", "PV_bootloader_args": "", "PV_legacy_args": "", "HVM_boot_policy": "BIOS order", "HVM_boot_params": { "order": "cdn" }, "HVM_shadow_multiplier": 1, "platform": { "timeoffset": "0", "nx": "true", "acpi": "1", "apic": "true", "pae": "true", "hpet": "true", "viridian": "true" }, "PCI_bus": "", "other_config": { "mac_seed": "01662052-e49b-f8db-b3b6-b67e986f63f8", "vgpu_pci": "", "base_template_name": "Other install media", "install-methods": "cdrom" }, "domid": -1, "domarch": "", "last_boot_CPU_flags": {}, "is_control_domain": false, "metrics": "OpaqueRef:d7486ad2-2cd7-4a63-b291-09248192181b", "guest_metrics": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "last_booted_record": "", "recommendations": "<restrictions><restriction field=\"memory-static-max\" max=\"137438953472\" /><restriction field=\"vcpus-max\" max=\"32\" /><restriction property=\"number-of-vbds\" max=\"255\" /><restriction property=\"number-of-vifs\" max=\"7\" /><restriction field=\"has-vendor-device\" value=\"false\" /></restrictions>", "xenstore_data": {}, "ha_always_run": false, "ha_restart_priority": "", "is_a_snapshot": false, "snapshot_of": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "snapshots": [], "snapshot_time": "19700101T00:00:00Z", "transportable_snapshot_id": "", "blobs": {}, "tags": [], "blocked_operations": {}, "snapshot_info": {}, "snapshot_metadata": "", "parent": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "children": [], "bios_strings": {}, "protection_policy": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "is_snapshot_from_vmpp": false, "snapshot_schedule": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "is_vmss_snapshot": false, "appliance": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "start_delay": 0, "shutdown_delay": 0, "order": 0, "VGPUs": [], "attached_PCIs": [], "suspend_SR": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "version": 0, "generation_id": "0:0", "hardware_platform_version": 0, "has_vendor_device": false, "requires_reboot": false, "reference_label": "", "domain_type": "hvm", "NVRAM": {} } }, { "id": "2j38o2h3fd", "properties": { "name": "Cold import of disks scsi0:0" }, "start": 1717342001910, "status": "success", "end": 1717342001910, "result": {} }, { "id": "bkk77u1pfp", "properties": { "name": "Finishing transfer" }, "start": 1717342001910, "status": "success", "end": 1717342001920 } ], "end": 1717342001921 } ], "end": 1717342001921, "result": { "vm-4494": "5d1263a7-bcb5-d231-7240-9a2756c00bf5" } }
What have I done wrong ?
I also try with a small VM (less than 4GB) and it doesn't work better.
Missing information in XOA 5.64 blog post
In blog post, it says : "Note that it's a single use URL and that it's only valid for a short period of time."
What is a "short period of time" ?
RE: XCP-ng Windows PV Drivers 8.2.2
The drivers install fine on Windows 2022 21H2 (Build 20348.169).
Like previous versions, the system hangs as soon as the VIF state changes.