@julien-f 0k, is there a specific rule on the format of this identifier?
When I create a backup, I set an email address for reporting but that address or notification setting) is not present in the JSON, why and how can I set it ?
For rolling snapshots, the content is 0k (same identifier in both settings and schedule):
{ "name": "rolling snapshots", "mode": "full", "schedules": { "gbkk1mbemhg": { "cron": "15 12 * * *", "enabled": true, "name": "daily rolling snapshots", "timezone": "Europe/Rome" } }, "settings": { "": { "concurrency": 2, "nRetriesVmBackupFailures": 3, "timeout": 7200000, "offlineSnapshot": false, "checkpointSnapshot": true }, "gbkk1mbemhg": { "healthCheckSr": "ac595bf5-ca14-586e-6f89-9e4e884043eb", "healthCheckVmsWithTags": [], "snapshotRetention": 2 } }, "vms": { "id": { "__or": [ "64adb2e9-e0f3-9e70-b08f-7c8653415053", "aaf9e807-3ee9-37ff-05ec-cf782ba74d56", "7cd276ae-b7df-06d8-3da8-48262750051d", "9ccfcd0c-a35e-7f45-a0d2-19db678291f1", "42afaaea-ada4-fb7f-dc55-f62a51a6997a", "54b97ba5-9858-a563-e02f-89b0a6c450a1", "9524834a-3577-4445-54c6-1c786775749d" ] } } } Ok for the VM backup using: { "name": "vm backups", "mode": "full", "compression": "zstd", "schedules": { "fdi73l44ewf": { "cron": "40 12 * * 6", "enabled": true, "name": "weekly vm backups", "timezone": "Europe/Rome" } }, "settings": { "": { "concurrency": 2, "nRetriesVmBackupFailures": 3, "timeout": 7200000, "offlineSnapshot": false, "checkpointSnapshot": true }, "fdi73l44ewf": { "exportRetention": 1, "healthCheckSr": "ac595bf5-ca14-586e-6f89-9e4e884043eb", "healthCheckVmsWithTags": [] } }, "remotes": { "id": "40e5ecde-f12f-43c7-befd-c1f0a76e8a25" }, "vms": { "id": { "__or": [ "64adb2e9-e0f3-9e70-b08f-7c8653415053", "aaf9e807-3ee9-37ff-05ec-cf782ba74d56", "7cd276ae-b7df-06d8-3da8-48262750051d", "9ccfcd0c-a35e-7f45-a0d2-19db678291f1", "42afaaea-ada4-fb7f-dc55-f62a51a6997a", "54b97ba5-9858-a563-e02f-89b0a6c450a1", "9524834a-3577-4445-54c6-1c786775749d" ] } } }