I can try to give that a go. Is there any particular reason as to why we think this will work? I'm totally fine with the thought of "its worth a try". I'm just curious if there is some known compatibility issue that is leading you to suggest trying this as a solution.
RE: Migrated Linux machine won't start
RE: Migrated Linux machine won't start
@Danp On the advanced tab of the VM, its set to HVM.
RE: Migrated Linux machine won't start
When the VM is running on the Vmware host, it reports the tools are running. Looks like its running CentOS 6 (32bit).
Migrated Linux machine won't start
I'm fairly new to XCP-ng and am working on a project to migrate some virtual machines from my older Vmware 6.7 host to a new XCP-NG build. Its a single stand alone server and is basically default. I have successfully migrated 5 Windows VM's without issue, knock on wood. However, I have a linux based virtual machine that runs my phone system. It seems to import to XCP just fine, and it even seems to start fine. It starts to boot up and shows no errors but for some reason at about 90 seconds the VM just shuts off. No error, no exit anything. Best I can describe it, is it seems like the virutal power plug gets pulled on it. I can't find any logs that would indicate the vm is being shut off. It's just off.. Any ideas?