Ah I hadn't seen that one. Thank you! I have rolled back to a previous commit and the imports are working.
Best posts made by nicklesbread
RE: Cloud config drive not copying
Latest posts made by nicklesbread
RE: Cloud config drive not copying
Ah I hadn't seen that one. Thank you! I have rolled back to a previous commit and the imports are working.
Cloud config drive not copying
Hey all--I'm relatively new to XO and XCP-NG.
I'm having issues when creating a VM with a cloud config. I'm using the Ubuntu Cloud OVA file as a template. When I create VM using that as a template, the VM will be created, take a while on first boot, and cloud init will not run.
I notice in the tasks that for each VM being created, a task similar to
[XO] Importing content into VDI XO CloudConfigDrive on SR XCP-NG-1-NVMe (on xcp-ng-zfwodxyo) 0%
is running. However, it never surpasses 0%. Notably, I've tried this on multiple different disks on multiple different hosts, and none of these tasks progresses, even after 6 hours, and none of them have estimated times to complete.
I also cannot seem to cancel these tasks, either from XO or using the
cliI am however able to import VMs using the standard templates provided by XO.
Is there something I'm doing wrong?