@olivierlambert The never ending struggle of development. always more questions. while I did notice that the overall path changed, I did notice that some parts were consistent still... IE, My Paths changed from 2-2.1, 2-2.2, and 2-2.4 to 1-2.1, 1-2.2, and 1-2.4 respectively. Ideally I would be using the Serial Number readout to sort these more efficiently, but for some reason my rack mounted CyberPower UPSs don't have Serial Numbers reporting even in the software when direct connected to my desktop... hence why I'm trying to find another way to "statically" identify my devices. I'm going to keep working on this program, and will update at a later point when I make some more significant progress, maybe with some "Options" for people to swap in. Next objective is for it to detect whether a running VM has its proper USB attached still, and if it became detached, to stop the VM, mount the USB, and then start it... main reason for this is in case a UPS gets unplugged, or is removed for maintenance.