Great projects have great documentation. Is XCP-ng a great project?
Perhaps we are having a miscommunication. Whatever the issue it sounds like additional installation guides for Xen Orchestra Community Edition are not needed at this time. -
@Ethan6123 If you add one in our wiki, we will not delete it
we are too much nerds to not be happy about improving the world (and our documentation)
You could write (for example) an overview page that links to the various possibilities.
And I think @olivierlambert is a bit biased because he earns some of his money with XOA licences
and that's all fine!
Nobody earns money with XOA Free
But otherwise, XOA licenses are what's paying XCP-ng dev right now, yes. Plus paid XOAs aren't meant for individuals/home labs, but for companies, and we'd like to companies get a support/turnkey solution that just work out-of-the-box
@olivierlambert Well, maybe its a tiny bit easier to sell support if the free documentations isnt top notch
@Patrik48 it's not a goal for us to do that. You mainly sell support as in insurance: if you have an issue, you'll have access to the developers of XCP-ng to assist you with a private ticket (and with a fast response time).
This is something you can't have in a reasonable time when you rely only on the community.
@olivierlambert I miss things like the manpages for the server, for the commands that is used to build up the answerfile.
Is there a more complete documentations provided for those going for the payed support package?The OP was interested in a step by step guide, thats something that one can write after proper documentation is in place.
Just to be clear, Im fully understand why this isnt a job that we can ask you to do
for us.
I just hopes that someone that is able to read the code can do it, Im just a sysadmin=) -
- Our wiki is open to edition for everyone
- Otherwise, feel free to create a support ticket asking us to write what you need
The main problem is more a priority problem, and obviously, pro support tickets are priority number 1.
@Patrik48 Just to make things clear: there is no documentation (or project of documentation) that would be restricted to those who subscribed to pro support.
Recent changes to the documentation:
- Updated with a "Precautions" section, and a "Get information about the updates" section.
- Added about additional packages installed to dom0, be it from XCP-ng repositories or from outside (CentOS, EPEL, and more).
Is there out a know issue paper about XCP8?
I just come back from holidays and it sound it's time to upgrade... -
Nothing specific except Windows XP support dropped in Xen.
@maxcuttins said in Great projects have great documentation. Is XCP-ng a great project?:
Is there out a know issue paper about XCP8?
I just come back from holidays and it sound it's time to upgrade...Windows 7 is already so old that for a minute I just get confused about it was the XP.
Well not... XP is a piece of history at moment so it's ok.However I have to said that WinXP was a very good OS instead of Vista & Win8 and still it's a pity that is not supported anymore
At moment only Win7 can be claimed as real successor. -
I just put together a Release Plan:
Thanks, I've updated it. I'm thinking of a better page title because to me release plan is about future releases, not exactly about support.
@stormi yes, it was a quick thing.. but I also had no better title
@stormi Supportplan? Or just Releases?
Maybe "Releases and support" (with spaces between words... Not everyone is German :P)
In addition to the write ups in the Wiki, would it be ok to link my YouTube tutorial videos that I have made on many aspects of the project?
Yes, as long as they are clearly identified as third party videos, I think they would be a useful addition.