Docker and XenOrchestra on XCP-NG 8.1
Hi guys,
I'm trying to follow the directions here Docker-in-XCP-ng to get a core.os host working to play with docker on xcp.
However, I'm not getting far.
I have finally managed to get the coreos VM installed but I'm not seeing any sign of docker on the interface anywhere.
I'm can't ssh into the vm because it seems the ssh keys have been ignored from the cloud config (and I see from the core.os docs that cloud-config is deprecated anyway, not sure if that's the issue) so I'm stuck using the XEO console for the moment which is a pain because you can't paste into it.
I manually added my ssh keys to the core users .ssh/authorized_keys file, but to no avail.
Has anyone managed to get this working? I'm curious how.
I might also say, that although the coreOS vm is not saying that tools are not installed, I'm not seeing an IP address in the networking tab either.
Peter. -
There's no such thing as XEO
Recent CoreOS changed the way it works, it's using
instead. This distro is moving too fast… -
Ah crap... thought I had it right this time
Some time....
I've got a docker container of pi-hole running OK, just can't see it in the console anywhere. Any other options for this if core is not the way to go?
Would be great to be able to manage the containers from the XOA (did I get it right?? ) dashboard.
And now, CoreOS is EOL, so it won't help. Maybe there is something doable with the guys behind Flatcar Linux, the fork of CoreOS, to help with support who knows. If you want a GUI for your containers, consider Portainer, it's your best choice, you will have way more features
@pnunn I fixed this by enclosing the key in “ “
Not tried with Flatcar Linux.
Thanks for the input. I'll give the ""'s a go.
Portainer is interesting, have it running on the cores machine with ease alongside pihole.
This is all starting to look interesting